Hans' Page

La Página de Hans

   These links provide access to items ofinterest in our search for understanding,appreciation and conservation of oceans'beauty—a network of interdependencebetween life and its environs.

   Estos links son sitios de interés paranuestra búsqueda de entendimiento,aprecio y conservación de la belleza de losocéanos—una red interdependiente entrela vida y sus ecosistemas.

Glossodoris baumanni



            — Opisthobranch Workshop, WSM 2006, Seattle

$         Group photos

$         Program and Abstracts (Under Construction)

$         Participants at the Presentations(Under Construction)

$         Evening Social Event(Under Construction)

            —Bahía de los Ángeles, Baja California, México

$         Online Supplemental Material: Longterm Study of Annual Variation

$         Type Locality: Species Named with Holotype Collected at BLA (Under Construction)

            —Northeast Pacific

$         Online Supplemental Material:RENAMAC, 2007: Biogeografia Alimenticia Opistobranquios NE Pacifico


MarVida www.hansmarvida.com

Hans Bertsch hansmarvida@sbcglobal.net

Tenellia ivettae Gosliner & Bertsch, 2017
Photo courtesy of Hans Bertsch